Research by CEPR Research Fellows and Affiliates appears initially in the CEPR Discussion Paper series. These Discussion Papers are circulated widely to other A new CEPR paper examines recent IMF research on gains from and activities at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. commentary on economic Centre for Economic Policy Research; Formation: 26 May 1983 () Founder: Richard Portes Get this from a library! Centre for Economic Policy Research discussion papers. [Australian National University. Centre for Economic Policy Research.;] Australian National University Centre for Economic Policy Research DISCUSSION PAPERS FACTORS AFFECTING YEAR 12 RETENTION ACROSS AUSTRALIAN STATES AND TERRITORIES IN

Centre for Economic Policy Research, Research School of Economics, Australian National University CEPR Discussion Papers The Australian National University Centre for Economic Policy Research DISCUSSION PAPER The University Gender Gap in Australia: A Long-run Perspective Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Monographs and Discussion Papers, see the Publications Research publications by CAEPR staff The Australian National University Centre for Economic Policy Research DISCUSSION PAPER What's love got to do with it? Homogamy and dyadic approaches to understanding The Australian National University Centre for Economic Policy Research DISCUSSION PAPER An Analysis of FEE-HELP in the Vocational Education and Training Sector
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